Windows 10 explorer.exe not found
Windows 10 explorer.exe not found

windows 10 explorer.exe not found

Few people know that file explorer can be restarted through Command Prompt commands. Then you can check if Windows 10 file explorer not working issue has been resolved. File explorer will restart very quickly this way. Click File on the upper left corner and then choose Run new task.

windows 10 explorer.exe not found

If you encounter Windows explorer not responding issue, try them right now. However, a lot of users have experienced Windows explorer not responding Windows 10 issue when they try to launch it. To access the file explorer and make the best use of it, check out this post: Get Help with File Explorer in Windows 10 with Detailed Steps. There are many ways to access Windows 10 file explorer. File Explorer is also the component in the operating system that presents many user interface items on the monitor, such as the taskbar and desktop. With a graphical user interface, it is very convenient for users to access and manage drives, folders and files. It debuted with the release of Windows 95 by Microsoft. File Explorer, also called Windows Explorer, is a Windows built-in file manager application.

windows 10 explorer.exe not found

However, there are some users reported that their file explorer is not responding when they browse files saved on the hard drive, which is really annoying. File Explorer is a useful tool for users to access files and folders on your hard drive.

Windows 10 explorer.exe not found